Corporate PVC Plastic ID Card, Lanyard Best Quality Print and Design in Lagos
Identify yourself with a Corporate PVC Plastic ID Card Print & Design

PVC Plastic ID Card, Lanyard Printing and Design
Identify yourself with a PVC plastic ID card @Tescomng.
We design and print security plastic id cards for your business within Lagos Nigeria.
also get your company logo branded on a lanyard for your Businesses.
We have a huge range of products available all at affordable and competitive prices and ready for fast delivery.
Material: PVC Plastic Card with Film lamination on both sides.
Finishing: Full-color print on single-sided, one-color print at double-sided options with ID Card Case/Holder.
Price: ID Card Printing Starting from ₦1,000 per copy.
Price: ID Card and Lanyard Printing Starting from ₦1,500 per copy.
Same Day Pick-up or delivered right to your doorstep within Lagos, 3-4 working days for other cities in Nigeria

PVC Portrait Plastic Hologram ID Card Printing and Design
Order online for full customization and attractive design of your Company Plastic ID Card Design and Printing @TescomNG.
Custom Vertical Personalized PVC Plastic ID cards for Staff, Employee, and Students.
Material: PVC Plastic Card with Film lamination on both sides.
Lamination Film Options: Scatter, Globe and Company Logo Holograms Available with ID Card case/Holder.
Finishing: Full-color print available on single-sided and double-sided options with ID Card Case/Holder.
Price: ID Card Printing with Globe/Scatter Hologram Starting from ₦1,300 per copy.
Price: ID Card Printing with Company Logo Hologram Starting from ₦3,000 per copy.
Delivery: 2-3 working days at your doorstep within Lagos, 4-5 working days for other cities in Nigeria.
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